When we think of Disney, enchanting tales, memorable characters, and magical moments come to mind. However, even the mighty Disney empire has had its fair share of missteps and disappointments. In this article, we embark on a journey through the annals of Disney history to uncover the worst Disney movies ever produced by the renowned studio. From forgotten flops to...
From the Torah to the Holy Roman Empire, Jewish comedy has entertained, satirized, and made jokes for centuries. Indeed, being hilarious is part of the Jewish identity. Jewish comedians became household names in America beginning in the 1920s. In the late 70s, the majority of comedians were of American, British, German, and Russian Jewish backgrounds. Jewish comedians gained worldwide fame...
The Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, and Land) are the United States Navy's primary special operations force. The best of the best, these elite men and women are called upon when shit hits the fan. Operating across the globe, these small teams take on the hardest missions, from capturing or assassinating high-level targets to operating behind enemy lines in a wide...
The allure of the silver screen has captivated audiences worldwide for over a century, offering a captivating blend of storytelling, artistic expression, and visual splendor. Throughout its history, Hollywood has pushed boundaries and challenged societal norms, exploring various aspects of the human experience. One such aspect that has both titillated and sparked debates is nudity on screen. From scandalous scenes...
When it comes to movie marketing, the promotional poster has always been a major part of movie advertising. While they might not be seen as important these days, in an age where social media dominates, they are still a vital tool to help the public know what movies are coming to their local cinema. When it comes to the best,...
When it comes to action stars they don't get any bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arguably the greatest bodybuilder of all time, Schwarzenegger has starred in huge blockbusters such as The Terminator, Predator, True Lies, and Conan the Barbarian in a career spanning over four decades. While the Austrian Oak has been through his fair share of hardships, he's been a massive...
A staple of the summer blockbuster season, disaster movies continue to bring in the big bucks for the major studios. Just like the horror genre, humans are fascinated by natural disasters and watching major landmarks - such as The White House and the Eiffel Tower - destroyed by earthquakes, tidal waves, and meteors from outer space. These big-budget projects draw...
"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club," is one of the most well-known movie quotes of all time. Spoken by Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden in the 1999 cult classic Fight Club, it's just one of many fantastic Fight Club quotes from the incredible movie about two men, Durden and The Narrator (Edward Norton),...
Music is a universal language that has the power to move us, inspire us, and bring us together. Fans love chatting about their favorite artists, bands, albums, and songs, sharing their thoughts with friends, family, and even complete strangers. This is also true when it comes to bad music. Sadly, not all bands are created equal and there are just...
Find yourself asking, "Which Oscar-nominated movie should you watch next?" If you're like me, when I feel the urge to sit down with a good movie, I don’t want to waste half the time trying to decide what to watch. Thankfully, this time of the year (awards season) has the ripest crop of new and great movies out in the...